Thursday, May 12, 2011

The phoenix...

Rising from the ashes...
Yes that's me coming from emotional ashes. I am surfacing again, taking the big breath of fresh air after being tumbled in a really big wave.
As a kid I loved to swim in the ocean, the thrill of fighting the waves, figuring out the time to drop under the wave, then pop up after it passed. But then once in a while a really big wave would take you down, then up then turn you into sand and gravel, not sure where to go or how to gain your strength. Lungs screaming-- then I would find my light and pop through the surface to grab air and sun light.

I think the last two years have been just this for me. I can see the sunlight -my God is forever molding and shaping me, giving me what I need to master and heal. I am floating. The waves have settled for now...

Wow, what a ride and now on to the next adventure. I just only hope I won't be under for so very long.

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