Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sharing dessert; the purpose of art.

I have been in a funny place and have now come back. Where you ask? Well, in that place of self doubt and aimless wandering. What is our purpose, my purpose exactly?
I don't fed the hungry with my art, I don't preach to the depressed nor do I save the spotted owl with my day to day existence. I am driven to create. Why???
This is what I came up with.

As artists we are given a gift of creativity. The ability to create physical beauty or objects that allow others to see something different than they would have seen with out your art.

To pull people out of the present moment and transcend into some thing or somewhere else. To put pictures to our emotions, and hopefully their emotions.

So with this gift we are given we are obligated, no, demanded to share this gift with others. Kinda like sitting around the table after a great meal and you are the only one that gets dessert. You are obligated to share. You may not want to or feel silly offering because it's your favorite and maybe not theirs but you MUST share.

Keeping that double chocolate volcano cake is just cruel to keep to yourself. Now sometimes my art feels like just plain old sugar cookies not that beautiful heavenly creation of chocolate and creme and sugar with the hint of bitterness that you can taste down to your toes..(girls you know what I am talking about). But what would the world be like if all we had was volcano cake to choose from. ( I know what your are thinking but it may get ordinary after a long while...maybe a very long while but you get my point.)
There is a place in this world for even my sugar cookies.

So if your are burdened with the ability to create... create and share, that is your purpose, that is your destiny to create beauty for those who cannot. It brings the light of God that is in you out so that others may see. Pretty noble and valuable gift huh?

Go forth and good with that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So important to remember that just creating is contributing to the world. The ability to create is truly a gift to share. Just think of how much joy Michelangelo's ceilings or Bernini's sculptures have brought to the world. I think the world needs to see goodness in creating and how it counters The Big Bads. Your words were so well put...except now I'm craving sugar cookies, LOL!