Monday, September 1, 2008

Make it Monday new recipe Lizard Skin

This finish is great for furniture, accessories and focal walls in a contemporary setting. Flashes of silver reflect from the textured surface reminding the viewer of sand, desert and sun. Perfect for items or walls that need a dose of adventure.

Product needs:
Metallico™ Silver
Frottage peel off™
Glacis™ Tinted glazes
Raw umber Color all™ 1:4 tint to glaze
Burnt sienna Color all™ 1:4 tint to glaze
Roller, inexpensive 2” paint brush, soft rag or cheese cloth, stainless steel firm trowel, small foam roller.
1. Apply a thin coat Metallico™ silver paint in over entire surface. Let dry 2 hours.
2. Roll on a very thin coat Adicrackle™with a foam roller over entire surface, allow to dry 2-4 hours. Adicrackle cracks the frottage very easily and if too thick can cause the frottage to sag and run in places. So the key is a very thin coat of Adicrackle.
3. Trowel on a thin coat of Frottage peel-off™ in large patches. Be careful not to over lap. Go quickly in large swipes. Cracks will begin to appear immediately. Any missed areas can be applied after first application has dried. On small surfaces such as furniture, start along the edges, sweeping toward the center then fill in the centers after the first application has dried.
4. Continue until the area is completely covered. Allow to dry overnight.
5. Mix up a glaze of each color; burnt sienna, yellow ocher and a raw umber. Mix together 1 part tint to 4 parts glacis. Use an inexpensive 2-3 inch bristle brush to apply all three colors of glaze in random patches over the surface. Maintain a wet edge as you move from one area to another.
6. Blend in brush marks with a damp terry rag or cheesecloth over surface to eliminate brush marks and remove excess glaze. Let dry then reapply as needed for desired effect.
7. Apply a clear coat or varnish if extra durability is desired.

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