Friday, June 1, 2007

My first collage in years....I am joyful and full.
So much to share...I have been recharged. Kind like after you shut down the computer and then re start it the next day it's like whoa light speed...too much creativity and I am loving it. I made this for a dear friend, Sheri. I am going to see her next week at the Big Oaks studio...Our own private Artfest so to speak.
I made these tags and LOVE how they turned out. Regular tags then teastained a coffee stained them. Stamped...
I have started attacking my day planner... "Art just for me to enjoy!"...What a concept? I doctored the front page. Then started with the cardstock dividers. I was regarding my planner suspiciously...It represented work..that burden of stuff to do...Chores. Now with it's reminders of why I do what I do and the happy images I have a different energy...Good energy.
Here's the firt page as I started.


Anonymous said...

Hello! Found your blog via ripple along. Wanted to know where your face stamp on the tags came from. I have an idea, but I may not be correct. Nice blog! Write back when time permits.

KB said...

I found the face stamps at Michaels and I just tea stained the tags I found at Office max. Thanks for the compliments. I love getting comments.

Kari said...

Ooooh...I love this! So much to take in. Gorgeous:)